A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settlement.
My name is Judy and I live in an informal settlement.
Today when I woke up I that if I had a proper bath then I wouldn’t have to stand up so early to rinse myself with a bucket and that takes a really long time. Sometimes I can’t sleep enough because I stand up so early and that makes me really miserable by getting up so early in the morning. Having a proper roof would make me really happy because there is cracks in my roof so when it rains the rainwater can come in and get on my homework pages when I am busy studying and then it makes I all damp and crumbled up. Since I have no shoes I walk barefoot to school so I sometimes cut myself because there is glass on the road and then my feet are really sore. It would really make it easy for me if I had shoes then I wouldn’t have to go through all that trouble. Having electricity in my house would really make it easy for me because I usually get so irritated by having to sit under a streetlamp to do my homework because there’s no electricity by my house.
Sometime yesterday when I woke up I felt really sick so then I went to the doctor. I had to stand in a really long line by the hospital to see the doctor but while I was busy waiting I felt like I was wasting my time by waiting there,it would just be so easy if I wouldn’t have to wait so long to see the doctor when I was really sick. If I could have more space in my house then it would be awesome because when my parents talk I can’t concentrate while they are talking in the same room as I am doing homework in.
Lots of the time when I go to the bathroom I don’t have lots of privacy because there’s no door by the bathroom which makes me embarrassed by the seeing me so it would be wonderful if there was a proper bathroom with a door then I could have more privacy. My roof is made out of corrugated iron so when it rains it makes a really loud noise then I can’t sleep which makes me tired the next day so if I had a proper roof that was made out of brick then it wouldn’t make such a loud noise. Some of my friends parents have died and they have to go live with other people. Having all those things would make me really happy.
You identified real challenges Kari. Well done for getting the real life across to the reader.